Galaxy was re-designated as G200 and Astra SPX as G100. In 2002 Gulfstream launched G150 business jet to fill the gap between G100 and G200 capabilities.

Its mid-cabin accommodates six to seven passengers in high comfort and a crew of two.

"Gulfstream G100 Private Jet Charter"

gulfstream g100 inside
The Gulfstream g100 is a great choice of "Private Jets" for mid-range "Private Jet Charter trips."

IAI builds G100s in Israel and then flies the completed airframes the United states for interior outfitting.

The Gulfstream G100 is one of the most popular "Private Jets" and this "Private Aircraft" is ideal for longer lasting "Jet Charter" trips because it is so spacious inside.


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.