Passenger Capacity: 6 – 7

Lavatory: Full

Airspeed (MPH): 400 – 450

Range (nm): 1,300 – 1,600

Cabin Width: 4′ 10″

Cabin Height: 4′ 11″

Cabin Length: 14′ 4″

Baggage Capacity: 55 cu. ft.

The Citation Ultra Private Jet is the work horse of the Private Jet Charter industry. Cessna’s aim of producing simple, economical business jets is met in the Citation Ultra. Few private jets in its class can compare in terms of cabin dimensions, speed, and takeoff distance.

citation ultra
The Citation Ultra Private Jet is perhaps the best example of Cessna's well-honed ability to continually evolve a time-tested airframe into a market-leading workhorse.

Based on the wildly popular Citation II, which entered production in 1977, the Ultra adds a slightly stretched fuselage, a plush interior, a more efficient high-speed wing, more powerful engines and updated avionics.

The relevant controls are located directly on the screens face-plates to improve pilot hand-eye coordination and flight performance.

citation ultra specifications
The Citation Ultra has a cabin which can hold eight passengers, stretches to seventeen feet, five inches – the longest cabin of any light private jet.

The strategic use of seamless wall panels, indirect lights, and mirrors make the cabin seem even more spacious.

The Citation Ultra Private Jet passengers enjoy the cabins equipped with individual flat panel entertainment systems and audio jacks (an optional feature).

The Ultra has storage space for twenty-six cubic feet of baggage, or about six hundred pounds worth of golf bags, suitcases, or whatever else worth bringing along.

citation ultra, private jets
The Citation Ultra Private Jet has its speed attributed largely to its wing design.

Adhering to the Citation line’s tradition of simplicity in design and operation, it uses the fastest straight wing design that the Citation line has ever seen.

Two aerodynamicists, one from Cessna and one from NASA, collaborated to redesign the Citation line’s standard straight wing.

citation ultra interior
The Citation Ultra Private Aircraft and its predecessor of the Ultra had a confusing array of five screens and more than eight analog controls. The Ultra consolidated the mess into four sleek screens.

The Ultra and the V both offer luxurious, comfortable cabins with many more amenities than similar aircraft in their class, combined with exceptional range and performance -- at a fraction of the cost.

The Citation Ultra Private Jet start’s at $2,400 per hour and up. The Citation Ultra Private Jet.

With the Citation Ultra you'll also enjoy fast, efficient flight with 500 mph cruising speeds and plenty of space for up to 7 members of your entourage.


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.