Sound levels within the cabin are very l"ow, and temperature distribution is even throughout all parts of the cabin in this "Private Jet Aircraft.

The "Falcon 900EX" can fly a long-range mission of 4,940 miles (4,300 nautical miles) at .75 Mach, or a 4,480 mile (3,900 nautical miles) high-speed trip at .85 Mach. Its maximum range is 5,180 miles (4,500 nautical miles).

falcon 900ex aircraft
It can cruise at altitudes as high as 51,000 feet and is rated to 9.3 psi, meaning it maintains a sea level cabin at 25,300 feet in this "Private Aircraft." At can be chartered for $5,500 and up.

"The FALCON 900EX" has a short runway performance which is also due to its very light, tough frame. It is made of titanium, Kevlar, and carbon fiber composites, all of which are very lightweight but sturdy materials that allow the Falcon to do what much heavier "Business Aircraft" with more powerful engines can.

The FALCON 900EX can fly a long-range mission of 4,940 miles (4,300 nautical miles) at .75 Mach, or a 4,480 mile (3,900 nautical miles) high-speed trip at .85 Mach. Its maximum range is 5,180 miles (4,500 nautical miles).


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.