Over thirty of those aircraft are now flying for their fractional program in the United States and Europe.

Longer Legs and New Engines The Falcon 2000EX is a longer-legged version of the 2000, offering a 25% increase in range.

Based on the standard equipped aircraft with six passengers, NBAA IFR reserves and at a normal cruising speed of .80 Mach, the nonstop capability increases from 3040 nm in the Falcon 2000, to 3800 nm nautical miles in the Falcon 2000EX.

The main benefit is to allow westbound nonstop flights from Paris or London to the east coast of the United States, even into stiff winter headwinds; or eastbound flights to Europe from major Midwestern cities like Detroit, Chicago and Minneapolis.

Other headwind legs like Dubai to London and São Paulo to Miami will also be achievable nonstop. And, when range is not a factor, shorter legs can be flown at higher speeds.

This dramatic improvement is mostly attributable to new PW308C turbofans. Powered by Pratt & Whitney Canada Power for the Falcon 2000EX is provided by two PW308C engines developed by Pratt & Whitney Canada specifically for this program.

Falcon 2000EX Systems The Falcon 2000EX airframe is basically identical to the original Falcon 2000 in terms of design, overall dimensions, cockpit, and cabin volume.

However, there are some differences in terms of aircraft systems. First, the fuel tanks were increased in size to accommodate an additional 4506 lbs (672 gallons) of fuel, bringing the total to 16,600 lbs (2487 gallons) - 37 percent higher than the Falcon 2000.

In-flight testing was used to determine final fuel tank requirements, based on meeting the promised 3800 nm range capability.Engine climb thrust and MTOW were also increased to maintain payload and climb performance targets.


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.