Nonetheless adhering to a standard layout/configuration to aid the fourth driver: to significantly reduce the total price by driving down the cost of individual completions.

The last driver will be the improved Pratt & Whitney Canada PW308C engines, designated for the 2000S, featuring a new combustor.

It will retain the lowest cruise fuel consumption (around 1.6kg/nm at M0.8) over the longest distance, compared with its competitors.

Dassault says that the "S" in the 2000S name has no real significance other than to show that the aircraft is a distinct model and the newest member of the Falcon business jet range, and to allude to its fully slatted wing.

New inboard wing slats and high-Mach blended winglets enhance aerodynamic efficiency, so the 2000S can get in and out of small, convenient airports like London City.

Which means you can relax over a fine meal served from your full galley, or work in your airborne office that is just as connected and equipped as the one you’re used to. "The FALCON 2000S"


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.