Previous Citations used a straight wing, which slows the aircraft considerably but dramatically reduces production and design costs. The Citation Jet upgraded to a natural laminar flow wing, taking four years to design in a joint venture between Cessna and NASA.

The cabin of the CJ2+ is almost identical to the cabin of the CJ2. Seats are available for six passengers, which can track into the aisle and away from the sidewalls for greater comfort. Folding side tables are available for all seats and can be stored in the side walls

inside citation cj2 plus
For your convenience the cabin is equipped with 110-volt power outlets. The CJ2+ was redesigned with extra soundproofing for a quieter flight. Three baggage compartments can carry a total of up to 1,100 pounds of luggage. The Citation CJ2 Plus can be chartered for $3000 and hour and up at

The CJ2+ maintains the tradition of the private jet Citation line: economy, simplicity and performance. Its operating costs are just as low as the original Citation Jet, but it offers a lot more range and a faster cruise speed.

This aircraft offers many practical benefits like seven seats, the maximum takeoff load has been increased, climbs more quickly, cruises faster and ranges farther than its predecessor.


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.