"Helicopter Tours, in the ROBINSON R44"

This makes the R44 the ideal helicopter for private, business, and utility applications.

"Robinson R-44 Exterior"
Robinson R44 helicopter, exterior helicopter charter
The high performance R44 Raven II has a Lycoming IO-540 fuel-injected, angle-valve, tuned-induction engine, which eliminates the need for carburetor heat.

The standard 28-volt electrical system ensures good starting performance in hot or cold weather, and provides additional electrical power for optional equipment.

Raven I features carburetor heat assist that enhances safety and reduces pilot workload by automatically adjusting carburetor heat in response to power changes by the pilot.

Clippers are R44s equipped with fixed or inflatable (pop-out) floats providing an additional level of safety for over-water travel.

Available on either the Clipper I or Clipper II, fixed utility floats remain fully inflated for continuous over-water operations.

Available only on the Clipper II and designed for emergencies, pop-outs have six chambers and inflate within 2-3 seconds of activation.

A lever on the pilot’s collective releases pressurized helium from a tank located under the aircraft’s front left seat.

The activation lever uses a mechanical pull cable and does not rely on an electrically actuated system for inflation.

"Robinson R-44 Charter"
Robinson R44 helicopter, helicopter charters, private flights, private helicopters
Floats may be activated at speeds up to eighty knots. Pop-outs add approximately sixty-five pounds to the helicopter’s empty weight.

When not in use, floats roll-up and stow in protective covers along the aircraft’s landing skids.

The compact design minimizes drag and allows for easy entry and exit of the cabin.

It is so bright that it will ruin your night vision and you won't be able to distinguish between trees and sky.

It is perfectly possible to hover using only the nav lights for reference.

It gets turbulent enough in the cabin that charts and other loose articles can get blown out the left door and into the tail rotor.

You have to take the entire door off, which makes the standard machine impractical for aerial photography except in warm climates.

The standard audio panel has a mini-DIN music input conveniently located between the front and rear seats.

A volume control on the front panel in which plugging in a standard MP3 player works very well.

Robinson helicopters are remarkably reliable and maintenance-free.


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Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.

The Citation Sovereign has one of the largest cabins in it's class.

The Challenger 650 is one of the newest private jets made by Bombardier.