The Citation Sovereign has one of the largest cabins in it's class.


After all, a private jet that can fly directly from California to Hawaii in four and a half hours without breaking the bank has to be well-liked.

Citation Sovereign Exterior
citation sovereign flying, citation sovereign exterior, citation sovereign outside, cessna citation sovereign

The Cessna Citation Sovereign is designed to provide superior overall performance while surrounding its passengers in comfort.

The Sovereign’s cabin is over 24 feet long. It can provide up to eight passengers with many of the advantages of a large cabin jet, including a full refreshment center and multiple entertainment offerings.

Citation Sovereign Cabin
citation sovereign interior, citation sovereign cabin, citation sovereign inside, cessna citation sovereign, charter flights

The Cessna Citation Sovereign is a mid-size business jet, the second largest member of the Citation product line.

It also it is considered a transcontinental airplane and is used principally for corporate travel.

Citation Sovereign Information
"Forward Cabin Refreshment Center."

"Private Enclosed Lavatory."

"Airshow Display."

"4 Individual Seat Monitors."

"Spacious Seating for Nine."

"WiFi Internet Access."

"Satellite Phone."

Cessna has been a leader in the design and manufacture of general aviation and business airplanes for over eight decades.

The Citation Sovereign, which was first introduced in 2004, represents the evolution of the company since Clyde Cessna introduced his first airplane in 1927.It is the result is their finest charter aircraft built to date and now the Citation Sovereign Plus.

The Citation Sovereign combines a roomy first class cabin for the passengers, excellent fly-ability for pilots, and outstanding maintenance product support for a truly best-in-class aircraft for business and personal travel.

The Sovereign could even be considered a Super Mid-Size aircraft. The cabin is essentially the same as the Citation X, which is famous for being the fastest business aircraft.

The difference between the two is that Cessna redesigned the wing on the Sovereign in a way that reduced its maximum airspeed in exchange for increasing its short field performance.

Citation Sovereign Specifications
"DVD Players."

"DVD Library."

"CD Library."

"BOSE Noise Canceling Headphones."

"100 cubic ft External Baggage Space."

"30 cubic ft Internal Baggage Space."


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  3. We would love to hear from you about the Citation Sovereign.


  5. The result is trans-continental capability in and out of airports that are less than 5,000 feet in length.

    The cabin is configured in a double-club set up with 8 comfortable captain’s seats.

    With a stand up cabin, the Sovereign can comfortably seat 8 passengers plus a flight attendant. Whilst the galley and toilet area is smaller than in large jets, the Sovereign offers it's charter passengers a comfortable flight.

    The Sovereign as “a long range aircraft at mid-size pricing. For this reason and its spacious cargo area, it is ideal for golf or ski trips.

    Citation Sovereign Charter Flights.


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Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.