interior phenom 100
The Phenom 100 Private Aircraft may be classified as a "very light jet," but the "Phenom 100" is competitive with larger "private jets" in performance and space. Its high speed cruise of 380 knots true airspeed trumps all close competitors.

"FMS with graphical flight planning capabilities."

"Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument (IESI)."

"Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (EICAS)."

"Electronic checklist and system synoptics."

"The PHENOM 100" offers much of the same capabilities and characteristics that are specific to a class higher, but still at a fraction of the cost. For small companies traveling short distances, the "Phenom 100" is a great value.

phenom 100, very light jet, charter jet, charter airplanes
The Phenom 100 did not seem to follow this strategy. Instead, it pushed the envelope of the entry-level concept, offering best-in-class performance while costing substantially more than its competitor.

The PHENOM 100 interior is surprising for its size as well. Measurements are 11 ft long, 4’11’’ high and 5’1’’ wide. The jet boasts 305 cubic feet of total cabin volume and 55 cubic feet of baggage capacity.

The one thing these operators have been asking for is more seating, a tall order on a small jet.

phenom 100, private jets
The PHENOM 100 in which Embraer earned certification for its "Phenom 100" entry-level jet, which had been announced just a few years earlier. At, can be chartered for $1,450 per hour and up.

The concept of building a single-pilot light bizjet isn’t new: Cessna has been doing it and doing it well for 40 years.


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.