falcon 2000ex specifications
The FALCON 2000EX high speed cruise is 482 knots at an altitude of 39,000 feet, and its long range cruise speed is 421 knots at 43,000 feet. It can climb directly to 37,000 feet in sixteen minutes.

While carrying six passengers, the "Falcon 200EX" can fly 4,370 miles (3,850 nautical miles) at .80 Mach – 920 miles further than the FALCON 2000EX is able to fly under the same conditions.

falcon 2000ex interior
At the time of the 2000’s release, few other "Private Aircraft" could complete trips of 3,450 miles at .80 Mach with eight passengers.

For that matter, few jets offered as much passenger comfort as does the Falcon 2000, like seats that can be configured as beds. "The FALCON 2000EX"

falcon 2000ex, private air charter, aircraft flights
The Falcon 2000 was recently identified as the most popular large-cabin aircraft flying in fractional programs today.

Dassault turned one of their great successes into an even better achievement with the Falcon 2000EX. Dassault announced the Falcon 2000, originally called the Falcon X, in 1989. The development of the aircraft was carried out by Dassault in partnership with Alenia.


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.