"Heavy Jet Charter, FALCON 5X"

Dassault Aviation has confirmed a two-year delay and production freeze on its all-new Falcon 5X because of ongoing problems with the Snecma Silvercrest engine.

"Falcon 5X Inside"
falcon 5x inside
The large-cabin, long-range twinjet – which was rolled out in June 2015 – is not now expected to fly until 2017, with first deliveries in early 2020.

After unveiling the 5X in 2013, the French manufacturer had planned the jet’s maiden flight in the third quarter of last year but shortly after roll-out.

Hitches with the Silvercrest engine began to emerge, and Dassault said late in 2015 it would announce a new testing and production schedule early this year.

Dassault has informed 5X customers of the delay. Although he will not reveal backlog details for the type.

"Falcon 5X Private Jet Charter"
falcon 5x, jet charter, private jet inside, jet charter, aircraft interior, Heavy Jet
The 5X is the launch platform for the Silvercrest and it is the first time Dassault has chosen a French engine for a Falcon.

The Falcon 5X Private Jet offers an unprecedented direct view of the sky overhead through its skylight ceiling window.

This unique window on the sky transforms your perception of space while providing natural light from above in this "Private Aircraft."

"Falcon 5X Charter Flights"
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The Falcon 5x now has the Falcon 6x and soon to be the Falcon 7x and Falcon 8x.

The Falcon 5X Private Aircraft in fact, typical (Vref) approach speed for the 5X is 105 knots.

That’s up to 20 knots slower than most jets with comparable range and near the approach speed of some short-field turboprops.

The result is leaks. We’ve known about this program for a while now, though we didn’t know all the details.

"Falcon 5X Plane Charter"
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The Falcon 5X cabin will redefine your private air travel experience. You have more personal space to sit or stand.

The spacious cabin is designed to provide areas for privacy and as well as common areas where teams can meet and confer. The cabin of the Falcon 5X will help you accomplish more.

The Falcon 5X’s forward galley is the largest ever fitted to a Falcon Jet and it has a dimmable skylight that provides bright illumination of work surfaces.

There is a forward crew lavatory and an aft passenger lav, both equipped with vacuum toilets. The 155-cu.-ft. aft baggage compartment will be accessible in flight with no altitude limitations.

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But in many ways, the 5X is more airplane than its larger, longer-range and more expensive hangar mate.

It has a better cabin, more efficient engines, more advanced avionics and a far more sophisticated digital flight control system.

Only so much secrecy is possible, however, as the manufacturer needs to work with hundreds of contractors and thousands of workers around the globe to bring a project like this to launch.

"Falcon 5X Private Jet"
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"The FALCON 5X" has seductive high-speeds, part of the value of a Falcon is a wide speed envelope.

As with previous Falcon generations, the wing of the 5X is optimized for both high- and low-speed performance.

Leading edge slats and trailing edge flaps yield remarkably low takeoff and approach speeds.


Central Jet Charter Inc., Popular Post

The Gulfsteam G4sp is the upgrade from the G4 and can seat up to 12 very comfortably.